Title: Workplace Harassment and Violence
Delivery Method: Onsite Option Available
Price: N/A
Prerequisite: N/A
Important Notice: N/A
Course Summary:
Delivery Method: Onsite Option Available
Price: N/A
Prerequisite: N/A
Important Notice: N/A
Course Summary:
- The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) require employers to develop, implement and maintain policies and programs protecting workers against workplace violence and harassment (WVH). This course provides participants an understanding of how to effectively manage a Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy and Program. Additionally, it will give participants detailed instruction on how to review and update their program on an annual basis.
- Our course will enable the participants to understand their role as it pertains to workplace violence and harassment & how they can partner with internal teams to aid in conducting WVH investigations.
Learning Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Understand basics of workplace violence and harassment
- Identify factors and courses that may lead to violence, harassment (sexual)
- Understand legislative requirements as it pertains to workplace violence and harassment
- Use tools/ resources to conduct/ support investigations and risk assessments